Solid wood flooring is something that’s been overlooked by many as modern and apparently better alternatives have become available. Solid wood flooring has been discounted because of the initial expense when compared to carpets or linoleums but there are so many long term benefits once you’ve paid out the initial cost.
Below is what we consider the top benefits of solid wooden flooring.
Good quality solid wooden floors last for years, decades even. You may find yourself replacing your carpets every 5 years or even more frequently if they’re damaged. A small amount of maintenance on your wooden floor will give you decades of use out of it.
A solid wooden floor is much easier to clean than a carpet. It’s pretty clear to see why, you can simply brush up and vacuum it lightly and a damp mop is all that’s needed for stubborn stains. Young children and pets make wooden floors a no brainer.
Wood flooring far outstrips carpets when it comes to cleanliness. One quick search online and you’ll bring up plenty of horror stories about the parasites that can be hiding in the fibres of your carpet. What’s more these parasites can include allergens which can cause irritation and illness for many.
Odour Free
With a wooden floor you should be able to avoid all those nasty smells that can become part of your home with a carpet in place – from the smell of wet dog to the stale stench of that spill that you simply didn’t get too quick enough. Carpets trap unpleasant odours whereas a freshly polished floor is one of the sweetest smells around.
Heat it up
With a wooden floor you can get all technologically advanced and have under floor heating installed easily. It’s the most efficient way to heat your home and simply not possible with carpets.
Cost Effective
Over time it is true that your wooden flooring will sustain damage. Cracks and splits are bound to happen in areas where there’s heavy traffic and scratches are common too. However, returning your wooden floor to its former glory it much easier and affordable than replacing a whole carpet. You can simply sand and seal the damaged area and it will appear brand new.
The key benefit of choosing solid wood flooring is that it’s timeless from a style and design point of view. It can stand against any changes to trends and can be covered with fashionable coverings or rugs without a huge cost if you do want to fit in with the latest trend. Carpets and linoleum are designed to fit in with a trend which is why so many older houses are decked out with carpets we simply wouldn’t consider now.
Research from estate agents suggests that they are able to sell homes with wooden floors much more quickly than those with other floor types. This makes it a great choice for rental properties too as they’ll be looked upon more favourably.
Solid wood flooring can be very beneficial to those who want it to last for a longer time plus who are willing to invest more in terms of wooden flooring. There are plenty of advantages of installing solid wood flooring, I also have found something amazing that will surely help to do for those opting for this type of flooring should definitely check out this site, click here.